TOMRA Talks Circular

Season 02, Episode 02: Driving Circularity with EPR

February 09, 2022 TOMRA Circular Economy Season 2 Episode 2

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an important policy principle in the transition towards a circular economy, as it can create a framework to capture valuable materials and ensure their quality is effectively preserved for use in multiple cycles. The concept is simple enough – producers take responsibility for the entire lifecycle of products and packaging they place on the market – from the initial design phase until they reach end-of-life and are prepared to be used in a new lifecycle.

In today’s podcast, we discuss EPR with Bilyana Ignatova, VP Circular Economy Europe, Governmental Affairs at TOMRA. Not only do we cover EPR’s history, examples of success, who is involved, and where we stand today, but we also touch on how EPR should be designed to achieve effective and sustainable results. It’s a complex topic, so we’ll be covering it in more detail in future episodes too.